
What digit will make the number divisible by​ 4?887,2_6What digit will make the number divisible by​ 8?887,2_6Please show work

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Answer:Step-by-step explanation:1) What digit will make the number divisible by​ 4?887,2_6According to the rules of divisibility, a number is divisible by four if its last two digits is a multiple of 4. Multiples of four include 4, 8 ,16 , 20. The list goes on.From the number given, For 887,2_6 to be divisible by 4, the last two digits which are the unknown and 6 must be a multiple of 4The possible numbers that can make it a multiple of 4 include 1, 3, and 92) What digit will make the number divisible by​ 8?887,2_6According to the rules of divisibility, a number is divisible by eight if its last three digits is a multiple of 8. Multiples of four include 8 ,16 , 24 The list goes on.From the number given, For 887,2_6 to be divisible by 8, the last three digits must be a multiple of The possible numbers that can make it a multiple of 8 include 1 and 9